PRICES (HST Included):
30 Minutes $75.00 75 Minutes $130.00
45 Minutes $90.00 90 Minutes $150.00
60 Minutes $105.00 Cupping $115.00
When you book an appointment, that time is set aside for you - and ONLY you. There is no double booking and I try to always be ready for you when you arrive. In return, I ask that you try and be on time for your appointment.
Please understand that missed appointments prevent me from being able to help other clients. Therefore, if an appointment is missed without notification, you will be required to pay 50 % of the cost of treatment as booked.
In the event that you are unable to keep your scheduled appointment, please cancel or reschedule, using the reminder email prompt, if it is at least 24 hours before the appointment. If it is within 24 hours of the appointment, please contact me through email. If I do not hear from you within this time frame, and you do not keep your appointment, the above policy will be applied.
Note: I recognize there are circumstances that are out of your control (sudden illness, family emergencies, etc.) and may make an exception to the above policies on those rare occasions.
Graduate of the University of Guelph and Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy, I strive to provide the best care for every client based on their individual needs. As a former gymnast and dancer, I have always had an interest in the body and the way it moves. My treatments are a combination of Swedish techniques, relaxation, trigger point therapy and deep tissue work aimed at providing a healing experience.
As an RMT I use massage therapy for more than just relaxation. It can be used as a natural treatment approach to help various symptoms that clients present with, as well as help achieve better body awareness and relieve musculoskeletal pain.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me as I would be happy to answer or clarify any questions or concerns you may have.

How Does Massage Therapy Help?

Massage can be beneficial for:
Reducing or eliminating pain
Improving joint mobility
Improving circulation
Improving lymphatic drainage
Reducing muscular tension
Specific conditions it can be beneficial for:
Anxiety and depression
Asthma and Emphysema
Back, leg and neck pain
Cancer symptoms
Carpal tunnel syndrome (repetitive strain)
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Fractures and edema
Gastrointestinal disorders
Inflammatory conditions
Kyphosis and Scoliosis
Multiple Sclerosis
Muscle tension and spasm
Parkinson's disease
Palliative care
Post-surgical rehabilitation
Pregnancy and labour support
Sports injuries
Sprains, strains and dislocations
Stress and stress-related conditions
Cupping Therapy
Developed thousands of years ago, cupping can be used as an alternative therapy to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow and relaxation!
Cupping has an ability to affect deeper tissues, remove fascial restrictions and increase the range of motion.
On its own, or combined with massage, it provides a unique sensation through suction. A gentle pressure lifts and pulls skin, tissue, and muscles upward.
Side Ef fect to Cupping
Clients may be left with a circular ecchymosis (blood between the skin layers caused by seepage of blood from the vessels).
The cupping mark is not a bruise or contusion
Cupping marks are thought to be caused by the release of dead static blood, lymph, cellular debris, pathogens and toxins to the surface of the skin
Cupping marks are not painful and range in intensity from no mark at all to dark purple
Marks will last from 1-8 days
Occasionally cupping will produce blisters, these can be due to superficial dampness (edema), pathological conditions or in some instances from leaving the cup on too long (more than 20 min)
Book An Appointment
To book, please click on an option below. All prices have H.S.T. included.
Direct insurance billing available. All methods of payment accepted!
If a 90-minute appointment is not available on your preferred day, please email me directly for an alternate time.